Our partners

The Cancer Research Trust, the Founding Partner of the LCC, has provided a unique opportunity to bring together a multidisciplinary team to address the growing global challenge of defeating primary liver cancer. Together with our very generous donors and collaborators, we will work to defeat liver cancer.

Our funding partners

We are extremely grateful to our funding partners who have made the Liver Cancer Collaborative possible.

Researchers & Clinicians

The Liver Cancer Collaborative is facilitating unprecedented collaboration between research scientists and clinicians across Australia and with our international colleagues. Together we will make a difference to patient outcomes.


The Liver Cancer Collaborative is led from Western Australia and includes representatives from all Western Australian universities and teaching hospitals who are working together to collaborate against liver cancer. 

National & International Collaborators

Our national and international partners are contributing significantly to this collaboration.

Liver Cancer Collaborative Associate Investigators

Prof Nina Tirnitz-Parker, Curtin University
Prof Peter Leedman, Perkins /UWA
Clinical A/Prof Michael Wallace, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital
Dr Louise Winteringham, Perkins / UWA
Dr Benjamin Dwyer, Curtin University
Dr Ankur Sharma, Curtin University
A/Prof Pieter Eichhorn, Curtin University
Prof Marco Falasca, Curtin University
Dr Rodrigo Carlessi, Curtin University
Prof Oliver Rackham, Curtin / Perkins
A/Prof Pilar Blancafort, Perkins / UWA
Prof Alistair Forrest, Perkins / UWA
Prof Ruth Ganss, Perkins / UWA
Prof Ryan Lister, Perkins / UWA
Prof Jonas Nilsson, Perkins / UWA
Dr Juliana Hamzah, Perkins / UWA
Prof Andrew Redfern, Perkins /UWA / Fiona Stanley Hospital
A/Prof Alka Saxena, Perkins/ UWA
Prof George Yeoh, Perkins/ UWA
Dr Tasnuva Kabir, Perkins/ UWA
A/Prof Debbie Trinder, Perkins/UWA
Dr Steve Burnell, Minderoo Foundation
Dr Bastiaan De Boer, PathWest

Dr Lingjun Mou, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital
Dr Jonathan Tibballs, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital
A/Prof Leon Adams, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital / UWA    
Prof Gary Jeffrey, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital / UWA    
Prof Luc Delriviere, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital / UWA
Prof Michaela Lucas, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital / UWA    
Dr Oliver Duncan, Fiona Stanley Hospital    
Prof John Olynyk, Fiona Stanley Hospital/ ECU
Prof Jon Watson, UWA
Dr Willem Lesterhuis, UWA  
Prof Elaine Holmes, Murdoch University    
Prof Wendy Cheng, Royal Perth Hospital
Dr Adam Doyle, Royal Perth Hospital
Prof Nicholas Shackel, University of NSW    
Prof Geoff McCaughan, University of Sydney
Prof Alan Wigg, Flinders University
A/Prof Vicki Whitehall, QIMR Berghofer    
Mr Ben Richardson, Liver Foundation
Dr Richard Lipscombe, Proteomics International    
Dr Scott Bringans, Proteomics International    
Prof Yaijin Chen, Sun-Yat-Sen Memorial Hospital/China    
Prof Erwei Song, Sun-Yat-Sen Memorial Hospital/China    
Prof Banchob Sripa, Khon Kaen University, Thailand 

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